Our vision and values
Mission, Vision and Values
We’ve been praying together as a benefice and seeking God’s will for us. This is where we think God is leading us to.
Our mission is our purpose or ‘why’ we exist. Our vision are things we aim for to accomplish the mission, where we want to be in the future, our ‘how.’ Our values are the the practical outworking of the mission.
Mission: Love God, love one another, and love our communities.
Vision: Encounter, grow, transform.
To encounter the love of Jesus in our life and worship (based on Colossians 1:15-20)
To grow as Spirit filled disciple-making disciples (based on 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 and Matthew 28:18-20)
See communities transformed through the love of God (based on Matthew 5:13-16)
Values – prayer, unity, generosity and hospitality, community, and mission.
Prayer – seeking the presence of God. We are called to pray, to get to know God and who we are in prayer, believing that prayer changes things.
Unity – John 17:20-23 – as a benefice we have many parts but are united in Jesus. We believe that unity is not the same as uniformity. Our unity brings glory to God.
Generosity and Hospitality – We believe in hospitality and being generous as God has welcomed and been generous to us. We aim to have generosity of spirit – being open and welcoming to all.
Community – We believe in doing life alongside one another, being authentic in our relationships. Being embedded in our local communities is important to us.
Mission - We believe in reaching out to others with the love of Jesus in word and action.
All we do is underpinned by Word and Spirit
Word - We believe God’s Word, the Bible, is authoritative, central, powerful and life changing.
Spirit - We’re reliant on the Holy Spirit. We’re charismatic and we express that in different ways, both overt and gentle.
Our church leaders subscribe to the Evangelical Alliance Basis of Faith which can be found here.