Who’s Who
From him (Jesus) the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16
We believe that everyone has a part to play in the life of our church. There are many different people who do things behind the scenes and some who will do things from the front. All are equally needed as we build the church in love and unity. We have a team of lay elders, a Licensed Lay Pioneer, a pastoral team, a few clergy with PTO, and many others.
Below are just a few of the people who are involved in leading the church.
Dave Preece
Nic Stuchfield
Assistant Priest
Mandy Tucker
Tom Boswell
Licensed Lay Pioneer
Carol Cotton
Churchwarden in Saxmundham
Roger Hedley Lewis
Churchwarden in Saxmundham
Chair: Rev. Dave Preece
Barbara Booty
Tom Boswell (Licensed Pioneer Minister)
Carol Cotton (Churchwarden in Saxmundham)
Robert Fleming (Benefice Treasurer)
Tony Gibbs (Deanery Synod Rep, Churches Together Rep)
Rev. Sheila Hart (PTO Co-Opted)
Sarah Hunter
Chris Jacquette
Roger Hedley Lewis (Churchwarden in Saxmundham)
Registered Charity: 1171576
Julia Kinsey (Safeguarding Officer)
David May (Deanery Synod for Kelsale cum Carlton)
Cheryl Payne
Rob Potter (Secretary)
Anja Shaw
Rev. Nic Stuchfield (assistant priest, NSM)
Rev. Mandy Tucker (assistant curate, NSM)
Stephen Hart is also a Diocesan Synod Rep and a Deanery Synod Rep. Fran Raven is also a Deanery Synod Rep.