SKC Church Finance Forms and Information
This page groups together matters of Giving and Finance in SKC Church.
If you are looking for information on Giving, please follow this link.
If you are searching for our 2022 Financial Report and Accounts, please follow this link.
If you have any other query or concern about financial matters relating to SKC Church, then please contact our Treasurer via email at this address: treasurer@skc.church.
If you have paid for goods or services on behalf of the Church and would like to be reimbursed, then please complete this Google Form.
Please note that before incurring expenses you must either:
• Receive authorization from the relevant fundholder to incur the expense or
• Be able to authorize the expense within your discretion.
Please make sure that you have pre-approval to reclaim the expenses before completing the Google Form. Obviously, no-one can approve their own expenses.
If you have sourced goods or services on behalf of the Church and would like the Church to pay the supplier directly, then please complete this Google Form.
Please note that before incurring expenses you must either:
• Receive authorization from the relevant fundholder to source the goods or services or
• Be able to authorize the invoice within your discretion as a Fundholder or member of Standing Committee.
Please make sure that you have pre-approval to commit to acquire the goods or services before completing the Google Form.
If you would like to source goods or services on behalf of the Church, you need authority in order to do so.
If you are a fundholder for the Fund concerned and the expenditure is within your discretion (which will differ depending on whether the expenditure is budgeted or not), then you may simply proceed and arrange to pay the supplier using one of the two methods above. If you need to know whether you have sufficient budgetary headroom available, please contact the Treasurer.
If, however, you do not have authority to commit to the expenditure, then you can use this Google Form (coming soon) to seek it from the Fund holder or Standing Committee or the JCC as appropriate.
This file provides a list of SKC Church funds and who in each case is(are) the Fund Holder(s).
These are currently the funds that SKC Church manages. Where the Fund is shown as Restricted, money held by the Fund has been given by a donor for that specific purpose and thus it may only be used for that purpose. Such giving may be made in the form of specified donations from individuals or grants received.
Where the fund is shown as Designated, money held by the Fund has generally been transferred from the General Fund and it may be returned to the General Fund by a vote of the JCC. As you can see, some activities contain both Designated and Restricted funds and we need to track carefully from which fund our spending is made.
The Treasury team has pulled together a complete set of financial policies and procedures to enable anyone interested to understand how finances are managed at SKC Church.
The financial handbook can be found here.